How Working With Animals Can Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Spending time with animals can be one of the most calming and rewarding experiences. Whether it’s playing with a dog, petting a cat, or caring for a horse, animals have a unique way of bringing comfort and relaxation. Many people who struggle with anxiety, high levels of stress, or...
Telehealth in America: Is it a Fad?
There is a fairly new tool being used today. It is called telehealth (telemedicine). In this work we shall explore together the complexities of telehealth and then you can make your decision whether to use it or not. What is Telehealth? Forged in the time of COVID...
Burnout from Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dealing with the issues that surround dissociative identity disorder (DID) and complex trauma is very difficult. The memories, alters, and therapy tends to fill our days with never-ending trauma leading to burnout. This article will focus on burnout with its signs and symptoms and ways to help yourself...
Accepting Your Body
Whom do you see looking back at you when you look in the mirror? Is your body as you would like it to be, or do you always find fault with it? If not, you are in good company, as most people feel somewhat ashamed of their appearance. ...
The Trauma Surrounding Outliving Your Abusers
***Trigger Warning**** Strong talk about the death of perpetrators __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Many of us hope and pray for it, but we are little prepared when it happens, the death of someone who has abused us. This article will take a glance at why it is so hard for...
3 Kinds Of Pain You Should Never Ignore
If you want to care for your body, one of the main things you should be aware of is when you have pain and what to do about it. This is something that you are going to need to think about for sure if you want to look after...
The Importance of Self-Love
The topic of self-love often makes survivors cringe as they cannot seem to understand that it is okay to love oneself. Self-love is one of the most important things you can do to overcome the negative effects of dissociative identity disorder (DID). In this article together we will...
Childhood Emotional Abuse
On this site, and many others, the emphasis when talking about childhood trauma is usually on sexual or physical abuse. However, children also face another type of harm, emotional abuse. This article shall focus on emotional abuse, what it is, how it affects your life today, and how...
Signs It’s Time To Take Your Health More Seriously
It’s time to take your health more seriously. The new year is here, and it’s time that you dedicate yourself to your health once and for all. No more saying that you’re going to do better only to fall back into your old patterns less than a week later....
These days, many people feel unnerved and without hope. Those who live with the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder (DID) may feel lost, without hope, and alone. However, today, in this moment, we are going to discuss hope and how to find it and not despair. What is Hope...
Must-Try Fitness Recovery Methods for Beginners
Fitness recovery is sometimes overlooked, yet absolutely vital for physical health. At the least, you can reduce the pain associated with working out. But a proper recovery routine, with compression or hot and cold therapy, also helps ease your mind and reduce problems later on. It can all be...
Your Cells Remember
Most of you out there have heard of body memories and I have written at least two pieces covering that subject. However, there has been some new research that may eventually help those who are trapped in their memories of trauma. This author will do her best at approaching...