Making Rules for Alters
Alters are often unruly and cause some of those who have dissociative identity disorder (DID) problems. For instance, a very young alter (little) may want to drive the car or a teen alter may want to drive up the credit card. How do you handle such problems? You...
Dissociative Amnesia and Dissociative Identity Disorder
If you live with dissociative identity disorder in your life, you are very aware of the problems you have with your memory. This article will explore memory dysfunction and why and how we forget. What is Dissociative Amnesia Dissociative amnesia is, like dissociative identity disorder,...
Coaching for those Who Have Dissociative Identity Disorder
Beginning this December 2023 (now), I am offering a new opportunity for healing through receiving coaching from me. I offer 30+ years of healing experience in all aspects of DID. If you are interested, please email me at: To be completely transparent, I charge $50 per hour for...
New DID Therapist Directory
I had to get online and tell you about the new directory by Multiplied by One. If you need a therapist specializing in DID, this may be a great resource. Good luck on your quest and your healing journey. See the link below.
Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Window of Tolerance
One of the worst symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) must be the inability to get and maintain self-regulation. This article will focus on what self-regulation is and how to obtain it. What is CPTSD? CPTSD is a chronic condition brought on by exposure to...
Victim Mentality
We’ve all been there. We wake up some mornings with a bad attitude toward life. We feel the world is against us and wish people would treat us better. For most people, that sucky attitude passes as we get on with our lives. However, what is it like...
Telling Your Family You Have Dissociative Identity Disorder
The dissociative identity disorder diagnosis is challenging for us who have it to bear. We long to tell someone we can trust about our problem, but what the public knows about DID is far overshadowed by what they do not. Most of us want to turn to our...
Silent Depression
Most of us have heard of depression and its implications for those who live with it, but have you ever heard the term “silent” or “hidden” depression? This article will explore hidden depression and its causes and symptoms. What is Depression? Considered a mood disorder,...
Most of us have heard of psychotherapy, with a percentage of that number being in treatment. What drives people to see a therapist? What is therapy? Why and when should you see a therapist? This article, piece one in a series about psychotherapy, will attempt to answer these...
Sugar Addiction
You have probably heard of addictions to alcohol, work, and prescription drugs, but have you ever considered addiction to sugar? Sugar addiction is a real problem, especially in the developed world, causing many physical ailments and co-occurring with some serious mental health problems such as complex post-traumatic stress disorder...
Family Estrangement: Going No Contact – Part Three
We have been exploring together the ins and outs of going no contact with a family of origin. As we have seen, going no contact is a dramatic and often traumatic event that allows you some peace when your family denies your past abuse or is still abusing you....
The Mountain of Healing
When people first discover they have dissociative identity disorder (DID), they begin an extraordinary journey that can take years. While it is true that the mountains multiples must climb are formidable, it is not impossible to reach the other side. But what does the other side of the...